About Me

Photo by Tunde Dora
Tokyo, Japan
Since 2001 I started to learn Egyptian style of oriental dance, Mahmoud Reda Style Folklore at Karima Dance Company in Tokyo. I also learned jazz dance from a famous teacher in jazz and classical ballet whose name is Mako Kaori.
Since 2002, I traveled to Egypt, the United States of America, Argentina, Europe and other Asian countries to learn and perform.
My main teachers are Karima, ZIZI (Japan), Yousry Sharif, Ahmed Refaat, Mercedes Nieto, Aida Nour etc.
In particular I love the golden era dancers' style of dance and Egyptian folklore dance.
I started to teach from 2008 and open my own school from the next year in Tokyo and Tochigi.
and now do workshops in Japan and organize events with the master teachers, Mercedes Nieto, Ahmed Refaat, Kareem GaD, Salima from Spain etc.
Fakha Helwa is my dance troupe and they won some competitions in Japan and also perform in the international show. And the folklore troupe performances with men and women in the shows are created by Japanese female dancers with my own choreography and stage design.
<Overseas Career>
2017 Nile group in Korea Gala Show guest with Ahmed Refaat Troup
2017 Mazagat Festival International Show
2018 IBC Gala show guest in Korea
2018 Ya Ahmed Raqsna Competition Judge in Korea
2019 Oriental Passion Saigon Festival Gala Show guest & Competition Judge in Vietnam
2020 EL KAFF Gala Show guest in Korea
<Organizing events in Japan>
2016 Aida Nour & Hassaan Saber workshops in Tochigi
2017 Ahmed Refaat workshops and show in Tochigi
2017 Salima from Spain workshops in Tokyo
2018 Mercedes Nieto Japan Tour (co-organizer : Yurie)
2018-19 Ahmed Refaat intensive course in Tochigi
2019 Salima from Spain Show & Workshops in Tokyo
2019 Alisha Lee workshop in Tokyo
2019 Kareem Gad & Alisha Lee King's Favorites Show & Kareem GaD workshops in Tokyo
<Competition prizes>
2012 Rakstar, USA Professional Solo Category, 3rd place
2013 Rakstar, USA Group category 1st place(ZIZI, Nabila, Adara, Krara, Najum)
2014 Raks Egypt Festival (Nilegroup Tokyo) Liveband category, 1st place
2016 Tarabesque Festival, Spain Group Category 1st place (Salima & Nabila)
2017 Nilegroup Festival, Egypt Folklore Category 3rd place (Nabila, Adara, Krara)
2018 Cairo Festival Budapest, Hungary, Star Team Category, 1st place (UCHU NICOLEGUMI)